Friday, October 30, 2009

Another Catch Up!!!

Ok, I finally got my photos back from my broken external hard drive :) so I will do a quick catch up here.
Now, this little story is probably going to put me in the dog house, but it is SOOOO funny to me, I just have to tell it. This happened a while ago but I needed the photo in order to have it be funny to anyone else! A little background...I will call Steve "Plumber" when his pants are riding just a little too low...if you know what I mean. :) It's kind of an ongoing joke that THAT is just what happens to daddys pants sometimes. Well, we are riding in the car and the kids were eating vanilla wafer cookies for a snack. However, they really like the mini size ones. Suddenly Brie yells out, "Hey mom! Look! It's Dad's butt!" I look back & she is holding this up:
:) I've said it before - I LOVE the things kids come up with! Oh they just crack me up!

Ok, here's a few photos of something the kids and I did together. They really like to help me bake and we went for a rainbow cake. They had fun each getting to color 2 bowls of batter. It was fun, but the cake turned out HUGE! I gave about half to my neighbor - who's son said "this cake is AWESOME!" It really was! And I finally have photos of the Heart Attack Cinn. Rolls I posted the recipe for earlier. Mmmmm...don't they just make your mouth water! They are SO good - try 'em!

1 comment:

mle said...

I am crackng up at your blog right now. And you have made me soooo hungry. I miss and love you. When you are ready to start that bakery-let me know:)