Thursday, February 12, 2009

Calling all mommies of little boys...

HELP ME!!! If you have ever had, or now have, a little boy...this mom needs some advice. I understand that boys are different...but my little guy is exhausting me. By 9 am I don't think I can physically take any more. Here's what I've tried: projects, play dough, water play, running, hugging/holding, coloring, painting, songs, jumping, counting, making forts, ramming trucks into the wall...and that's all by about 10 am. He really seems to like playing hard (like going to McDonald's play land, but you can only do that SO many times and outside play isn't really an option considering it's 15 degrees here for MOST of the year!!!) I need some ideas! He doesn't last long per activity and he gets angry very easily. He will scream & freak out till the veins are popping out of his neck - and I never really know why...just a random freak out! So, to all of you experienced mom's of boys out there...ANY advice you can give would be AWESOME!


Stars&Straps said...

Try karate. Some places will take tiny guys. It's a good way to run run run and burn out energy and believe it or not, vent pent up anger or aggression, and help them control themselves.

Or get that kiddo one of those trampolines with the handle bar.

Yoga or workout videos?

A tool bench. With lots of things to fix, turn, pull, hammer, bang. (the kid kind)

Jen Demaris said...

TV!!! lol