Monday, October 27, 2008

Just be a KID

What is the deal with kids these days? You know, when I was younger, we were creative and found interesting things to do. We didn't have to be entertained by machines or video games. WE made our fun. We put things like bikes, board games, and skatboards on our Christmas lists.

You want to know what is on my daughters Christmas list?
A cell phone
A nintendo DS
A laptop computer
MP3 player
Get hair highlighted

Funny how times change. I swear that by the time Brie is 5 she'll be asking for a cell phone too. Well, I think I'd like my kids to just stay kids, at least for a little while. They have FOREVER to be all grown up. Last night Kylee told me she really needing some tanning lotion because all of her friends were going to go to school tan. My response: "Would you quit! You're 11 years old! You don't need tanning lotion - just be a kid for goodness sake!"

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Pumpkin Time

On Saturday the family did their pumpkins! We had the kids paint theirs and Kylee and Dad carved theirs. I didn't do one...I get more frustrated then anything trying to carve them...and the smell right now is just blah! But here's some photos of the kids. Deagan really got into it - even painted himself a little!

Friday, October 24, 2008

What big Eyes you have

Brinkley has always talked pretty well and says funny things all the time...but I hardly ever remember to write them down. So here's one.

I was putting her to bed the other night and I gave her a kiss. Then she held my face in her hands and said, "You have big hair!...and you have big eyes...and you have a big mouth...and you have big teeth...and I have little boobs!"

I died laughing.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Well - as many of you know - I am yet again suffering with the missery of pregnancy!!! I have said it before and I'll say it again...there is nothing in the world that I hate more then being pregnant! IF I am lucky enough to feel better - that will come when I'm 18 weeks. PRAY that I do feel better...I need it!

Steve is currently the working father by day and Mr Mom by night. He amazes me how much he steps up and takes over when I'm pregant. I'm lucky I married such a patient/easy going guy. I feel SO bad that I'm not 100% and that he has to pick up my slack...but at least I know it'll be over in 9 months!

So - I have 2 week old cheerios and pretzles smashed into the floor in my play room and a bedroom floor covered in laundry. I think if the state came in they'd take my kids away for having such a dirty least I'm throwing out the dirty diapers! :)

Thanks to all those who have called to wish me well. Thanks even more to those who take my kids away so I can sleep for a while. You have NO idea how much I appreaciate you.